our state is being invaded

what we do

Texans for Strong Borders is a 501(c)(4) non-profit citizens advocacy organization formed in the Spring of 2022 to bridge the gap between grassroots activists and the Texas state policy process.

Despite controlling the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature, the Texas GOP’s response to the crisis at the border has been one of inaction.

At TFSB we believe in stopping illegal immigration, deporting the illegal migrants already here and in creating a long lasting legal immigration policy that exclusively serves the interests of American Citizens.


He attended Texas A&M where he received his master’s degree.

- News Outlet

Chris Russo is the founder and President of Texans for Strong Borders.

- John Smith

No group was organized and actively pushing for Texas First immigration policies at the state level.

- Jane Doe

Chris Russo Chris Russo

the consquences of open borders

Source: Migration Policy Institute

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Source: US Customs and Border Protection

Haven't figured out how to make these animations work the way I want them to. Learning as I go, have gotten pretty close.

It's just a matter of time, there's definitely a reason why barely anyone else is doing something like it, but it'll be worth it.


these'll look great when they're done :)






